Chaos has been my friend for a long time now. I plan the tiniest bit of free time to shoot and post something here, ride a bike or just rest and gaze at the rain.
In my day off I could barely decide on a single recipe from all 2183012830247 ideas I had during the week. So in the end I just rush to the patisserie next door and get loads of pastries. Meditation is also very hard in a house with more than 10 people, some group dynamics from a higher level.
It’s been raining three days in a row and tomorrow would probably do, too. I read it is the same in Bulgaria and I feel comfort. We all share this gray and gloomy sky. Gloomy, but still shared.
And exactly on such a damp and cold day, 10 minutes before dinner I remember the blueberries in the fridge which have been waiting for my to find their purpose for 3 days now. One forgotten pate brisee from my days off and since it is a common practise in France to serve cheese for dessert, I reckoned I should get them together in a refined dinner treat.I. declared it the fastest dessert I had ever made. Put together in 3 minutes, baked for 20 in the already warm oven. Enjoyed with a glass of my favourite pino noir drom the Savoy region. I am just so in love with this wine. As if it got a whole basket of aromas and fruits in itself, embraced it so hard that a drink so magical dripped from inside.
A generous scoop of vanilla ice-cream and balance is reached, the day is found, we are pouring with the rain.
blueberry brie galette
150 gr pate brisee
200 gr blueberries
50 gr brie
2 tbsp honey
vanilla ince-cream
Roll the dough in a thin ∅28 cm base. Transfer in a baking pan so that 3 cm from the corners stay outside the pan. Mix blueberries and honey and spread evenly on the base. Spread sliced brie on top. Roll the ouside dough in but do not aim at perfection. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden. serve with a scoop of ice-cream.